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Bishop 25pdr SP
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A9 Tank
A9 Tank
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A10 Tank
A10 Tank
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Paratroops Support & Command
50 figure pack containing multiples of the poses shown.
Skoda 100mm Field Guns (x2)
Skoda 100mm Field Guns (x2) Option with or without CDIS07 Italian Gun Crew (select from drop down menu) For CDIS07 Italian Gun Crew separately, click HERE 1:100th/15mm Material: White Metal
from £8.25
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The BA6/10 Armoured cars were designed to travel the vast expanses of Russia and lend armoured support where tanks struggle to go. The BA/10 was an updated design with better armour and engine.
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3 armoured truck escorts
3 armoured truck escorts (1x PW867B, 1x PW867C, 1x PW870B)
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Amphibious Jeep (SEEPS) (x2)
2 x Amphibious Jeep (SEEPS) (Crew not included) Scale: 15mm/100th  Material: White Metal
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37mm Flak 36.
Can be assembled towed or firing. Crew Included with 1x gun *Image shows assembly options only. 1 gun per pack is provided*
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Churchill Mk VII Tank
The Churchill VII was a heavily armoured tank, the mark VII had a 75mm gun and armour thicker than even the Tiger tank!
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Sherman Firefly Tank
The Sherman was upgunned in this heavily redesigned Sherman, with a new engine layout and turret to allow for the British armies most powerful AT gun to be mounted.
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